What a Hassle…Or is it?

In a material sense, in today’s world, there is almost no bigger headache than to lose one’s car keys: you spend hours looking around for them until you finally come to grips with the fact that they are gone. So who do you call? Will you have to get your car towed to a dealer? Are you going to need to spend $750 just so that you can drive home?

We here at Moody’s Green Key Plus like capitalism, and living in a free country, we believe consumers are free to call whomever they want for their services. However, as a locksmith company, it is our job to try to earn your call and I would like to present you with some ideas as to why calling us, an automotive locksmith company, is a better than calling the dealer.


First, mobile locksmiths come to you which sure makes things convenient. What is not always clear, but should be is that if your vehicle is younger than 20 years old (sometimes even older than 20), you will likely need to get the car towed if you choose to call a dealer. Unfortunately, transponder chip keys cannot be programmed unless the owner’s vehicle is in the same place as the key-maker’s programming tools. Automotive locksmiths, however, unlike the other guys, bring their tools to you. They can bring their key originator/cutter and programmers to the site where you are at so you don’t have to hassle with a tow. What this means is even if you’re at work, a locksmith can come to your car, make you a key and get you ready to go. Summary: NO NEED TO MESS WITH A TOW WHEN YOU CALL A LOCKSMITH.


Insurances Deal with Locksmiths too

Remote Key Locksmith

Second, some insurance policies provide fr reimbursement for various services such as lockouts or key-making/programming. Some vehicle owners might be tempted to ca

ll the “big guys” because the owner’s insurance policy will reimburse them for certain services. We can appreciate this train of thought and frankly, we would use it ourselves if we had to make similar decisions. However, if your insurance policy offers reimbursements for lockouts or key-making services, they will reimburse for locksmithing services just as they would a dealership. Summary: INSURANCE REIMBURSE FOR AUTOMOTIVE LOCKSMITHS LIKE THEY WOULD OTHER COMPANIES.

Automotive Locksmiths can Save you Money

Finally, the biggest and most exciting reason as to why we think you should call an automotive locksmith is because they will save you money, and potentially a huge chunk of change. Automotive locksmiths have the ability to compete in the key-making market in a way that dealerships don’t. Locksmiths sell their keys cheaper and they offer competitive programming fees. Here are some examples to prove it.

Locksmiths Give Better Service for a Better Price

A few months ago we had a customer call who had a pickup where, although his key worked the ignition, he couldn’t lock or unlock his doors. He went to the dealer, bought a remote-head key and asked an automotive locksmith (us) to cut it and program it for him so that he could keep his vehicle secure. The key he bought, uncut, un-programmed cost was $240…ouch. Our locksmith company offered to get him a remote-head key, cut and programmed and made his old keys work his doors for the same price. Our friend drove away a happy man.

We Saved a Customer $1000

For a second testimonial, we had a second client call about her Toyota key she had lost (a 2001 Solara for those of you who are interested). After trying for a few hours to get her a key, I had to break the news to her that she needed to get her car towed to the dealer because we didn’t have the tools we needed to complete the job. She had the vehicle towed who then proceeded to tell her that they could set her up with some keys for, wait for it… $1500. My client sent me a text, thanking me for trying to help her out and shared the dealer’s price. She literally told me she was going to buy a new car. When our locksmith company heard the pickle she was in, we committed to getting her on the road and we did it for under $500.


I hope I’ve been able to convince you that mobile, automotive locksmiths are a great way to solve your key problems. We save you the hassle of messing with a tow; if your insurance company will reimburse for key services, they will reimburse for using an automotive locksmith as they would a dealership and a locksmith can save you a lot of money. Give us a call and see what we might be able to do for you.